We are committed to safeguarding the security and privacy of our clients. Your online safety is important to us. You can find below our privacy policies in order to enhance your experience and inform about how the information we collect is utilized.

We collect information about you.

You should be aware of the types of information that we collect. You will find your email address, as along with other details such as name, address, company name cities and codes as well as postcode and phone number. The information that we collect can be gathered using a variety of ways. Cookies are used first to collect, consolidate and save data that is not personally identifiable. Personal identifiable data includes specific information about you like the number of your credit card or bank account. These details are personal to you.

Information is useful in a variety of ways

Don\’t input the same information more than one time.

Learn more about the products, services and other information fast.

Help us identify the most relevant and interesting web content.

Keep up with the most recent information, news services and products.

Registration and order

You\’ll need to sign up your name, address for shipping and billing, a phone number, e-mail, and the number of your credit card. Your country of residence might be requested to ensure we can comply with the laws in force. These details are needed to complete your payment and to complete your order. It is also possible to use them to communicate with customers regarding their purchases or websites and also to conduct internal marketing. If we run into problems during the course of your purchase or purchase, we may make use of the data we\’ve collected to reach you.

Email Addresses

You can get amazing offers by signing up for our newsletter. We will contact you when you participate in any contest.

3. Privacy Protection

In line with our normal business practices we do not rent (or trade) personal information, nor do we share it with other businesses. We use the latest encryption technology. All employees are required to sign confidentiality agreements that prohibit the sharing of information with other employees.